Why you need to come on this course

  1. How would it be if I could show you a way to increase word of mouth marketing? 
  2. If you could set yourself up as THE most caring dentist in your local area would that be of benefit to your business? 
  3. How about if you could build a database of pre-educated and primed local people that are ready to go with treatment, would that be a good thing to have for your practice? 
  4. "For many, the Web isn’t a place to look for information, it’s the only place" 
  5. Digital Dental Marketing allows you to do all these things, and this course will show you how.

It's a full on marketing masterclass from the UK's top dental marketing professional.

Watch Intro Video

Here's what you'll find out

Watch out... it's a LOT!

About the course presenter

Mark spent over 20 years as a dental technician working exclusively within the high quality sector of the private market, he has 14 years experience of running is own laboratory and a Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA) majoring in marketing, innovation and creativity.

He now works with a select handful of UK dental practices developing their online marketing, website conversions and social media marketing.

Mark uniquely blends his in-depth knowledge of dentistry, practical business skills and formal business background in to a fun, yet empirically grounded blend of dentistry and business.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Revolutionising Your Marketing

    • Introduction

    • Welcome

    • Marketing Basics

    • Building relationships

    • Explorers hunters and trackers

    • The principles of backwards marketing

    • Your new marketing funnel

    • How to get more Google reviews - and why it's important

    • How to make your website more effective

    • How to help more local people with their dental health using online marketing

  • 2

    Setting up a Marketing System [that never sleeps or pulls a sicky!]

    • Let's talk dental marketing.

    • Talking dental marketing - a complete system

    • Talking dental marketing - How to make your website more effective

    • Talking Dental Marketing - How to utilise evergreen marketing

    • Talking Dental Marketing - Using Social Media

  • 3

    Next Level Marketing

    • The 'Amazon' sales page - What Can we Learn?

    • How to Create a Dental Website That Works in 6 Steps

    • Conversion Optimisation for Your Dental Practice Website

  • 4

    Increasing conversions from your messages

    • Top headline phrases

    • Words that sell

  • 5

    BONUS -The Art of UnSelling and UnMarketing

    • The webinar

    • downloadable notes

What others have said about this course


"Mark really knows his business! This turns social media into something really powerful - not just for playing with". James Russell

"From the very basics of social networking to the more technical advice - Mark has the answers" Kirsty Hague - Hague Dental Supplies

"This course will completely change your view about Facebook/Twitter/Blogs and their impact on your practice" Dan Hines

Is this entirely an online course?


The course consists of a series of videos which guide you through an alternative way of thinking about, & developing your digital dental marketing. 

There are PDF downloads which can also be used as workbooks. You can access the course for as long as you want, and at any time convenient to yourself. It will automatically remember where you are  and take you back to the right section each time you log in.

PLUS, I'm on hand to discuss your unique concerns via the discussion in each lesson, I'm also available in the "Ask Mark" community for site members. 

I'm here to support you, guide you and assist you, all at any time convenient to you!

Is this you?

"Oh man, I don't have time to do all this stuff... I just want to be a dentist!"

Yep, this is a comment I hear many, many times and you're not alone in thinking this. 

So here's the deal, on this course I'll show you how you can set all this up and set 70% of it to run autmatically, the other 30% I'll show you how you can deleagate to team members so YOU spend your time doing what you do best... being a great dentist. 

There is of course some initial set up time that needs to be put aside... but you know what, if you're not prepared to do it, I bet the practice down the road is... 

so what are YOU going to do to stay ahead?

 "I think I'll wait a bit to see how this social media stuff pans out" 

Ok, well it's your call if you want to do this, but all the time you're not developing your online marketing, your getting left behind, so here are a few statistics to back up what I'm saying: 

  • 30.1 million adults in the UK (60 per cent) accessed the Internet every day 
  • 97 per cent of adults educated to degree level have accessed the Internet 
  • The number of adults who bought or ordered goods or services online is >31 million 
  • 31 per cent of Internet users aged 45 to 54 used the Internet to post messages to Social Networking sites
  • 48% of the UK population are on Facebook 
  • On Facebook 35% of users are over 35 years old 
  • On Facebook the fastest growing age group is 45-65 year olds

Now think about the patients you see for high value cosmetic and rehabilitation cases… how many are adults aged 35 and over, educated to degree level? 

These guys are online, looking for information, sharing ideas with each other and they have dental problems and the money to pay for it!

(Source: Items 1-4 ONS Opinions Survey, items 5-7 SocialBakers.com)  

What's in every membership subscription?

  • Video lessons

  • Download and watch offline

  • Watch on your desktop, phone, or TV

  • PDF workbooks

  • 'Ask Mark' Forum

What will happen to your practice once you've been on this course?

Sounds exciting huh?

  • You will view marketing in a totally new light, you will be able to see the value in marketing on social media and will have the tools and understands required to make this happen. 
  • When you implement your learnings you will find your practice will become a focus in the local community and people will know you are the 'dentist that cares'. 
  • You'll know how to develop relationships with local people so they trust you and are educated about their own dental health and the solutions that you provide. 
  • Your business will grow as a result.

Pricing options

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Gain access to ALL Marketing courses on this platform - includes access to a unique 'ask Mark' members community for additional marketing & growth support.