Yep, this is a comment I hear many, many times and you're not alone in thinking this.
So here's the deal, on this course I'll show you how you can set all this up and set 70% of it to run autmatically, the other 30% I'll show you how you can deleagate to team members so YOU spend your time doing what you do best... being a great dentist.
There is of course some initial set up time that needs to be put aside... but you know what, if you're not prepared to do it, I bet the practice down the road is...
so what are YOU going to do to stay ahead?
"I think I'll wait a bit to see how this social media stuff pans out"
Ok, well it's your call if you want to do this, but all the time you're not developing your online marketing, your getting left behind, so here are a few statistics to back up what I'm saying:
- 30.1 million adults in the UK (60 per cent) accessed the Internet every day
- 97 per cent of adults educated to degree level have accessed the Internet
- The number of adults who bought or ordered goods or services online is >31 million
- 31 per cent of Internet users aged 45 to 54 used the Internet to post messages to Social Networking sites
- 48% of the UK population are on Facebook
- On Facebook 35% of users are over 35 years old
- On Facebook the fastest growing age group is 45-65 year olds
Now think about the patients you see for high value cosmetic and rehabilitation cases… how many are adults aged 35 and over, educated to degree level?
These guys are online, looking for information, sharing ideas with each other and they have dental problems and the money to pay for it!
(Source: Items 1-4 ONS Opinions Survey, items 5-7