By Guest Instructor

Sue Wheeler BSc

Sue is the founder of EcoHolistics, a new concept in personalising your well being, combining a passion for proactive health promotion & training with environmental responsibility

What's in this course?

How often do you hear about stress at work? 

whether you work in a large organisation or as a sole trader, from yourself to your colleagues your family and friends or social media and news reports it seems sometimes that everyone is talking about it. 

We all have reason to be stressed from time to time - its almost expected - but now with new pressures brought on by the pandemic and subsequent effect on the economy, stress levels can soar out of control, with unknown timeframes. 

On top of existing issues such as a growing workload and unreliable teammates perhaps you are now also trying to manage home schooling or facing redundancy, maybe you are struggling to survive financially on furlough or are unable to complete your promised training. 

Or you just feel so despondent about work in relation to everything going on around you...its too much to bear and you feel trapped. Some people are feeling stressed about even having a job when colleagues and friends are not so fortunate. For employers it is vitally important to monitor, manage and assess stress in the workplace as part of a duty of care, but we all have a part to play in helping ourselves and each other through difficult times. 

Unfortunately stress can become a slippery slope, beginning with occasional small things and turning into a stress filled way of life quite fast. It can also be addictive, and the long term effects on both the employee and the workplace can be complex, expensive and in turn more stressful to rectify. 

No one wants that. Well you are in the right place to make a change. Starting with this 45min short module, find out what stress really is, how we evolved with it and find out why we actually need it in our lives. 

Once you have knowledge about how it works in your body you can learn to identify the warning signs and triggers, and then work out what provokes it. 

From here you can identify what needs to change and chose techniques and strategies to manage stress in both your work and home life. After all, one affects the other and often has many knock on effects. Stress is so variable in the way it affects people, and we all have different triggers, thresholds and reactions according to our beliefs, opinions and values so no too people will have the same experience, but by understanding more about the physical, emotional and psychological effects stress can cause, we can empower ourselves to manage it better as well as supporting others in our workplace too. 

Even if you feel it is difficult to talk about, you will find support in this short course to motivate you to seek solutions and support for yourself and those around you. 

And best of all you can return to it again and again when you need to. 

Stress is normal to some degree, but trying to cope with constant stress isn't. 

By taking this module you may find yourself more aware of the causes and effects and ways of coping which should improve your work and home life - a double result leading to a happier, healthier you!

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