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    • In conversation with – Nicki Rowland

What's this interview about?

Uncovering the secrets to success and understanding successful people. 

This is a series of interviews with successful people, the idea is to ask them all the same NLP -based questions to uncover the hidden strategies and techniques successful people use in their lives… Albeit many times unconsciously.

What is success? 

How can we be more successful? 

What do successful people do that’s different to other people? 

Let’s find out in “My Success Full” Interview with Nicki Rowland. Nicki Rowland is the founder of Practices Made Perfect, a practice management consultancy and training organisation. She also runs The Exceptional Leadership. Nicki has lived and breathed practice management since opening her dental practice in Yorkshire in 2006. After being a practice manager for 10 years, Nicki now shares her knowledge and enthusiasm with other practices. 

Here’s what I asked her: 

  1. What is your definition of success
  2. What is your WHY?
  3. What successful person do you admire and why
  4. How do you know when you’re doing a good job? 
  5. If you were a clinician what would you be doing right now? 
  6. How do you make decisions? 
  7. What do you think are the secrets behind getting to where you’ve go to? 
  8. What are you doing today to make tomorrow how you want it to be? 
  9. What mistakes have you made along the way & what did you learn from it? 
  10. What’s been your biggest success & what did you learn from it? 
  11. What was the last thing you said to yourself just before you got out of bed this morning? 

Have a listen to hear what she has to say… it’s TRULY enlightening

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