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Why you need to come on this course

"If this business were to be split up, I would be glad to take the brands, trademarks and goodwill and you could have all the bricks and mortar - and I would fare better than you." - John Stuart, former chairman of Quaker Oats Ltd

Your brand is a valuable asset and if managed well can help to provide stream of future income. Successful brands are those that represent valuable marketing assets through the coherent blending of marketing resources.

The course looks at: 

  • Your brand vision - What is its purpose, values and how will the world be a better place? 
  • Your brand objectives - strategically planning for what you want to achieve 
  • Process for auditing your brand to ensure it survives And finally, 
  • Resourcing - deciding on a name, logo and strapline 

The course gives you a framework for working through a full brand audit to understand how you deliver value to your customers and whether that value will endure.

After you have completed the course you will have a clearer idea of what your brand stands for, who it represents and is appealing to, what forces may advance or impede your brand and how all of this can be represented in the brand resources of a logo, name and strapline.

The course is perfect if you wish to revisit or audit your current branding or create a new brand.

I am available to chat specifically about building your brand and to offer personalised advice via my "Ask Mark" community available to members only. 

Membership includes unlimited access to all marketing courses so is fabulous value at just £25 per month, or simply purchase this course from one-off fee as listed above…

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Gain access to ALL Marketing courses on this platform - includes access to a unique 'ask Mark' members community for additional marketing & growth support.

What's in every membership subscription?

  • Video lessons

  • Download and watch offline

  • Watch on your desktop, phone, or TV

  • PDF workbooks

  • 'Ask Mark' Forum

A few examples of what can be achieved with strong brand profile

The following images prove that going through this branding process doesn't just come out with a name, strapline or logo… It's way more than that. Working through the content of this course gives you an idea of how you can represent what you stand for in so many different ways.

I had these photographs taken a while back, and based all of them on going through the information that's now available to you in this course.

This is about representing ME and my brand… And what I stand for.

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So you see, having a strong brand identity, knowing what you stand for, knowing your brand essence, values and personality helps to inform so many things about your business.